Remember how we expect not being lied to when we ourselves have never shied away from lying in the first instance?? It's like we always fall into the trap of our own excuses to witness a beautiful world but not moving our little finger to make it one.
In the 1960's when a bunch of intellectuals couldn't hold back their vomit any longer, they eventually colored and covered the JANTAR MANTAR in their so-called demand for a class monitor to tame a rogue class. Well, it never meant to and never did any good.
The country brought in the Lokpal Amendment act in 2014 to set the government officials in check. It seemed that all efforts of Anna Hazare and the alikes will now be paid off well. Corruption will magically disappear and humanity can now live as primitively as it is. So, what happened? Where is that magic wand? C'mon, who are we fooling?? Only ourselves.No Lokpal can rectify the fault in our stars, in fact the fault is within us. We have become dependent on the laws and rules to judge the difference between wrong and right. I wish otherwise, but can't turn a blind eye to our shitty reality. In the coming years we will be more distant from ourselves and only close to materials.
Material and materials will guide us, stray us and keep us at bay from the eternal truth.
Initially, when Manu was elected to arbitrate the disputes of the civilization, he was selected on the sole basis of his wisdom. He had a reputation as a just man who was free from partisanship. Gradually when people realized his prudent judgements, they started treating him like a god. He became respectful to an extent that they made him their king.
So what is the takeaway in all this?? Quality comes first and then the position of authority. Authority is assigned to the potential of the person.
Assigning the giant task of a corruption-free society to a position of authority makes no sense when the authority is itself corrupt. There are so many loopholes in the way we manage our admin systems that it is tiring to calculate them. I am not even sorry for being so direct. You know, our intentions are maligned and our reflection is impatient. We don't intend to see through our own faults, rather, we consider ourselves faultless, flawless. 😈. We laugh with our mouth shut and our eyes wide open. Poor us.
We are equipped with Lokpal at central level and Lokayukta at state level but we still fail to charm ourself out of the corruption of minds. We need to understand our degradation as a civilization on a much deeper level. However, for centuries at least some of us have been doing that. But, I guess, we need something else, some other cure. The seeker and the giver of Lokpal, both are in vain, perplexed as to why the act still seems in inertia and nothing is actually changing or becoming better. We are still corrupt as a system, as humanity. We are gross, can we please not be?
The seed sprouts in the dark, blossoms from the bottom and shoots up. We need to mend our foundation, start from the beginning.
It all will start from the school of values, building humane morals, getting in sync with the sunlight, feeling the sensations of our chakras, becoming present with the universal energy. It all may sound philosophical but philosophy is only practical.
Try and look for your peace. :)
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